Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Have Yourself A Sparkly Little Christmas

What better way to get into the Christmas spirit than to cover yourself head to toe in glitter (don’t worry, I don’t mean literally)? Sparkly clothes, shoes, makeup and hair accessories are the perfect way to dress for the occasion and to add to this, I thought a nice gold, green or red glitter nail varnish would be the perfect finish, that, was until I saw the price tag of the fabulous OPI range. Now, I’m not a snob or anything but when it comes to glitter, you can’t buy cheap without it looking cheap, so after seeing one of my friends with the OPI gold glitter nail varnish I had to have it.
Walking through Asda, at which point I was still not the proud owner of some glitter nail varnish, I spotted some tubes of glitter for just a pound and in the perfect colours, gold, green and red (and pink for when you’re not feeling as festive). I’m hardly the most creative person but I was soon reminded that I had these exact same colours in normal nail varnish so why not add the glitter myself? I can honestly say it’s the best idea I have ever had and is the greatest way to get a chunky glitter effect without spending a fortune. Just look at the results:

Monday, 19 December 2011

Feeling Festive?

Unlike every other store on the high street, Topman and Urban Outfitters do not need to cover their stores in tinsel and baubles to let everyone know its nearly christmas. Why? Because of their beautiful range of christmas jumpers that greet you as you walk through the door. Of course, the name ‘christmas jumper’ doesn’t necessarily mean a bright red knit with Rudolph on the front, yes I am referring to Colin Firth in Bridget Jones’ Diary. Today, a christmas jumper can come in any shape and form, more commonly being a fairisle knit involving a few reds or greens. have a fantastic selection, the perfect gift for an unwilling boyfriend. Just look at these beauts:

Urban outfitters have also done themselves proud in the festive department, managing to sly the odd reindeer onto the jumper without turning it into something only your nan would buy.

These are even perfect for women, as there doesn’t seem to be much of a choice for us out there in the women’s departments.
So, whether you’re buying for yourself or a loved one, I would definitely recommend Topman and Urban Outfitters to get you in the festive spirit. If you’re buying for yourself and a loved one however, please be sure not to get matching ones. We don’t wanna embarrass them too much do we?

Bargain of the week

I couldn't believe my eyes as I strolled into H&M in Westfield and saw this little beauty staring at me, with a noticable price tag of just £9.99. So it should be no surprise that this my bargain buy of the week, infact it could be the bargain buy of the month as it has now gone down to just £3.99 in the sale, £3.99!!!! (Please ignore the awful lace gloves, I can definitely say this is not how I would advise to wear it)

Lets just hope it fits!

Monday, 28 November 2011

East London's finest

For the first time since it opened earlier this year, I went to Westfield shopping mall in Stratford. While indoors, the cleanliness and beauty of the stores made me forget I was in East London. That was until someone on the top floor decided to spit all the way down to the ground floor, landing roughly 20 centimetres infront of me. 
The stores inside were also a bit of a let-down. Although presented very well, they weren't shops you would expect to find in a high-end shopping mall, with no signs of French Connection or Ted Baker. Instead, there was phone shop after phone shop, followed by Boots and a few cafe's. I couldn't help but wonder where all the clothes were!
As you get upstairs it gets a little better, but that's only due to the fact that Topshop, River Island and Zara are up there. Other than that, it was very disappointing, nice to look at but no substance.

I have to say next time I won't be wasting my time paying for the extra zone on the train. Take me straight to White City.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

The most magical place on earth

I don’t doubt that when I mention the name Annie Leibovitz you know who I’m talking about, but for those of you who don’t let me give you a quick insight.

Leibovitz is an incredible American photographer responsible for those fabulously sexy Rolling Stones covers we have all seen plastered over peoples bedrooms walls. Photographing portrait images, usually of ‘A List’ celebrities, she has quite a breath-taking portfolio. But to me, her most fantastic work came about when she collaborated with Vogue for a Disney themed shoot, dressing those loved ‘A Listers’ as our favourite movie characters. In 2007, the Walt Disney Company asked Leibovitz to do a shoot of celebrities in various roles for their “Year of a Million Dreams” campaign which included photographs of David Beckham, Beyonce and Scarlett Johansson. The images were spectacular and gave Leibovitz a quirky, Tim Burton style edge. These are a few examples of her Disney themed images from the last 10 years. I'll leave it up to you to work out which celebs feature.

A university photography project has challenged me to create original fashion images for a specific publication. After looking at these images and others from the Alice in Wonderland shoot Leibovitz did for Vogue, I have chosen to go down a similar route and create Disney themed photo's, also for Vogue, to celebrate the future release of the Disney film 'Magic Kingdom'. This film is to be about a young child who witnesses the Magic Kingdom Park characters and attractions come alive, so for my shoot I will bring in as many relevant props as well as suitable 'fashionable' clothing to fit the style. Obviously, the standards are way higher in Leibovitz's work than I ever could achieve, but I can dream. I'll be sure to post the final images here for you to see.
Wish me luck.

Friday, 11 November 2011

The most beautiful store in the world

For some, the word Biba means nothing. For others it may be a word they simply recognise. For most, it was a way of life.
Biba was once described by the Sunday Times as ‘The most beautiful store in the world’ based in Kensington, West London. Barbara Hulanicki was, along with her husband, the founder, designer and commissioner of everything experienced within the Biba store. Not a single item entered the store without her approval, giving her the title of one the greatest British designers.
People in the 1960’s and 1970’s became infatuated with not just the clothes, but the store too. With an intense interior and everything so carefully thought out, it has to be the one place that given the chance, I would go to extreme lengths to visit. I cannot help feeling a sense of disappointment that the store, to me and many others, will only be witnessed through photographs.
As the store grew, it continued to move to larger stores finally ending up as a seven storey department store on Kensington High Street. The store contained everything Biba, from clothes to washing powder, dog food to stationary, all branded with the famous Biba logo.
Although being recently re-launched in House of Fraser, the original items tend to be found at, at least 3 times the original value, making the collection more of a desire than anything else, completely satisfying the title ‘vintage’ that most women adore. The clothing found in the Biba concessions are not like those that appeared in the original store, sadly ruining the Biba name and the younger generations that may not have heard of this brand, are being fed this false image of such beautiful clothing. The store itself was also a huge part of the Biba image which is not portrayed in House of Fraser.
A current project for university has asked us to come up with an idea and produce a 6 month campaign to make this idea come to life (obviously not literally). My idea is to re-launch Biba as a stand-alone store in its old location of Kensington, taking it out of House of Fraser. The research and planning is all too exciting and I can only pray that one day soon, someone, if not I, will go through with the idea and make it as beautiful and classic as it once was, as I strongly believe everyone with a love of fashion deserves that experience.
“Biba fulfilled the Rock and Roll promise to live fast, die young and leave a beautiful corpse”.

Saturday, 5 November 2011

"Change the world, one sequin at a time" - Lady Gaga

Browsing (stalking) Facebook the other day I came across a photo of my friend wearing some incredible blue glitter covered shorts (yes, the glitter phase is worsening). I decided then and there that I HAD to have them!
Now I could have probably guessed where they were from as not many shops could pull of blue glitter short shorts without them looking tacky, but I had to get my friend to confirm they were from Topshop, where else.

Not a day goes by that I don’t think of these sparkly little beauts, but to my dismay they are £40 and being a student, it takes a lot of debate before committing to such a buy. My head is screaming no but my heart seems to be winning the battle. They are still in my online shopping bag, just sitting there waiting to be purchased.
After some more research and a lot of shopping, I came across another pair of MUST HAVE sparkly shorts, although this time in French Connection. Not quite as short as the Topshop ones but equally as beautiful, these statement shorts come in at an incredible £82. Obviously I will not be buying these ones anytime soon but I thought I'd give you the chance to admire and desire after them just as I am.

As for the Topshop shorts, will I or won’t I? That’s a question even I cannot answer.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

So I thought I'd update you all. The fabulous Topshop shoes that I was pining for, unfortunately I still do not own them but I've landed myself a fantastic alternative for LESS THAN HALF THE PRICE!!!

And the best thing is, they aren't even tacky! Okay they shred my feet everytime I put them on but I'm willing to grin (moan) and bear it as they are just so beautiful.
This is my official letter of thanks to New Look, you really have made my week/month/year.

Monday, 17 October 2011

The obsession returns..

Yes, Gossip Girl is back on tv! My social life is going back into hibernation until the seasons over. I cannot express my excitement of being reunited with Chuck Bass!! This is all I have to say as its been uploaded online and I cannot resist watching it right now. XOXO

Just for the other Chuck Bass fans out there :)

Sunday, 16 October 2011

All that glitters..

I've always stuck to saying that at this age, I will never spend too much on a pair of heels and I will just get drunk and ruin them, but these shoes are just sooo amazing I feel I may have to go against my beliefs?

Thursday, 13 October 2011

A pinch of salt.. I mean leather

Before you click away thinking I’m about to bore with some old school news that people are wearing leather, I dare you to at least look at the photographs for some major style tips!
It’s true that there is nothing new about leather, it dates so far back and is rarely out of fashion. However, this winter it seems adding a small amount to your outfit is the way to go. The photograph of Apphia Michael (stolen from shows exactly how to wear leather.

Teamed up with a cutesy jumper, a pink shopper and patent brogues, this leather midi really does look amazing and definitely not too much. I don’t know about you but when I think of leather, I tend to think of a 50 year old woman with scraggly black hair extensions dressed head to toe in black. This has no doubt given me a new outlook on the material and how to wear it.
Another item that has caught my eye recently is the leather leggings that seem to be taking over Topshop recently. Although I hate being one of those people that wears the same as everyone else, and with the popularity of these leggings I can only imagine half the population own a pair, I can’t help but love them! One of my friends recently bought a pair and I won’t deny feeling a little envious.

I’ve said it once and I will say it again, twenty million times if I must, Lauren Conrad can do absolutely no wrong. This outfit is plain but classy, adding a little touch of rebellion with the leather leggings. If I could be one person, besides maybe Beyonce, I think it would have to be Lauren.

Along with the up-do’s (in the post before) if I ever decide to jump on board the leather train, I will be sure to post some photo’s. Grazia tells me the leather midi is from Topshop so I may just have to go in and try it on.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Nobody likes change.. Right?

I've always been one of those poeple who sticks to a basic hairstyle. For me, it doesn't get much better than a few waves and I think its become pretty known to the people around me that I rarely wear my hair up, unless of course if Im hungover, which doesn't count.
However, I've noticed that the beauty sections of every magazine lately seem to be giving tips on the perfect updo and I can't help but feel a little envious of how good they look.
I bought the September issue on InStyle the other week, this being the first time I have ever read this particular magazine and in it was Actress Tamsin Egerton (who admittedly would look amazing sporting any kind of hairstyle) modelling different updo's, and although having all my hair scraped back off my face probably wouldn't be my most flattering choice, hence always avoiding it, I am extremely tempted to give them a go.

If my desire ever over-rides my conscience and I do attempt one of the above, i'll keep you posted. I can only hope i'll look as elegant as Tamsin and not something that could of been created by Jedward.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Holiday Blues

I recently came back from a two week holiday in Spain (I say recently, actually 3am this morning) and am definitely feeling the full effects of the not so marvellous English weather. I arrived home to find the electricity had run out, a glass had smashed in my case and to top it off, I couldn't work out how to turn the heating on. So I dragged myself upstairs and collapsed into bed, thinking about the amazing lie in I had planned. Of course, I woke up at 9am and couldn't get back to sleep.
While on holiday, as sad as it sounds, I made a list of all the little things that needed doing when I got home so I decided to get up and get on with it. Why is that when youre on a roll, getting everything done, your fingers cannot resist typing into the search bar?
Oh what a disaster, I should of known they would have a million and one items that I would want to buy.
I cant help but love the black high-waisted cord shorts, picturing them with some Allsaints vests or a chunky cardi, its almost impossible to resist. And the variety makes you want one in every colour, from spots, stripes, velvet, leather, cord..

As every student will tell you, it always seems to be 'hard times' when it comes to money, so when looking for a birthday dress (which I know is supposed to be expensive), I was praying that I would find something a bit cheaper but still as affective. Searching through every fashion magazine I could find, I came across, a site I had never heard of before. Its fantastic!! Ok, like every cheap store it has its fair share of tack, but it really is the best place to go for some knock off Topshop and a decent price. What better time to treat yourself than during a spout of depression, although I have been lucky enough to spend two weeks in the sunshine, I am claiming this as a good enough reason to splash out.
Im sure one day ill be able to save up enough money to enjoy the finer things in life, by this i mean maybe a few Mulberry handbags and some Louboutins, but for now it will definitely do.

Apparently I'm one of those people who tend to procrastinate during tasks, guess its time to get back to sorting my life out.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Time to look in the Mirror.. (Pun intended)

Well I very much doubt that I need to explain to you what i'm talking about when I mention the phone hacking scandal. But just for those that arent quite up to date with whats going on in the world and quite possibly one of the biggest news stories at the moment, Ill give you a quick overview.
Basically, News of the World has been shut down for hacking into the answer phones of friends and relatives of murder victims to get exclusive stories that other newspapers wouldnt have. Its all a big hoo-ha with everybody blaming someone else and everyone involved using the famous 'no comment' when questioned.
But really who is to blame? Who is behind it all?

Yes okay, the obvious answer would be Rupert Murdoch (owner of NOTW) and a few of his employee's, but however wrong it was, can we really blame him for trying to out-do the other newspapers and boost his sales?
As the general public, we are the ones demanding more. We buy the newspapers and magazine that have the biggest story, the most outrageous and exclusive not some shoddy paper thats publishing last weeks news. Would it be wrong to suggest that we may possibly have played a part in this god awful scandal? As much as we want to claim that we buy the newspapers for the facts, isnt there a part in everyone that just wants the gossip? As a nation we have this huge craze of invading peoples privacy and wanting to know all the details and the demand for the newspapers to provide this is quite obviously becoming too much.

Now, in all honesty and as contradicting as it may sound, I am 100% against the phone hacking and think that it is completely disrespectful of the suffering families, but I find it very hard to believe that NOTW is the only newspaper that has some unethical way of getting stories. I read an article the other day saying that Murdochs chief executive or whatever she was, Rebecca Brookes had once sneaked into The Sunday Times dressed as a cleaner and stolen a copy of the newspaper so she could publish the exclusive story they had. How exactly do these tabloids, which I must add tend to be made up of total crap, get such exclusive stories when they arent stealing them from other papers? It makes you wonder.

If the demand for wanting that little bit extra from our newspapers wasnt there, would the phone hacking of even happened? I think its time to look at ourselves and they way we demand so much from the media. Since when did it become okay for peoples private lives to be meddled in without so much as an inch of respect for those involved?

Saturday, 28 May 2011


After years of hearing all of my friends talk about it, I finally decided to cave in and start watching Gossip Girl, right from the very beginning. I am now having problems stopping myself from watching it, meaning the old, once very sociable me, is starting to become somewhat ignorant.
I have managed to make my way through 3 seasons in about a month, quite a skill I must add, juggling this with work, uni work and a slight attempt of keeping a social life and some friends.
The lives of those snobby 'Upper East - Siders' seem to draw me in, with every episode leaving you wanting more, I just can't help but watch the next episode, and the next, and the next. The beauty of a certain Mr Westwick doesn't help the fight to stop watching, it has even reached the point where I have been googling him, watching clips of him on Youtube and am planning to watch Chalet Girl very soon just to see him with his English accent. I mean, how can you not just love him?

If I am completely honest, I'm starting to question myself as to whether this is an obsession or not. I lock myself away in my little uni room for hours, hoping not to be disturbed and rewinding if heaven forbid somebody was to come in and talk whilst it was on. I am now starting to see that writing this has opened my eyes. I really need to get a life. XOXO

Friday, 6 May 2011

News Story - Are crime rates on the up on in Southampton?

Residents of Southampton have shown concern due to what seems like an increase in reported crimes in their city.
Local police are confident that the number of reported crimes in the Southampton city area is less than this time last year, however, residents are in dispute as it seems witness appeals and crime scenes are appearing on a regular basis.
PCSO Tracy Dang from the Hampshire Police has said: “Ratings have actually gone down compared to the previous years. A lot of crimes reported in this area involve students, meaning the weekends are the busiest for us when people are out drinking. The main areas being reported, again, are student areas such as Bedford Place and around Bliss Clubrooms off the high-street. I would advise people not to be out, especially of a night time, if they do not need to be. We are constantly patrolling the areas and talking to residents to get their views on how we can make the area safer.”
Statistics have recently shown that there has been a 75% increase in burglaries alone since the start of the new year, throwing residents into uproar concerning their safety. Local police officers have advised that all residents must keep properties secure at all times, especially garages and garden sheds as in the majority of the cases recently burglars have entered the property using tools belonging to the victim generally found in their own outdoor storage areas.
PSCO Dang also commented on the issue of burglary ratings when she said: “There are a lot of burglaries around the Polygon and student housing areas, this is where it seems to be the worst. The only advice I can give is to keep everything locked, even if you are home. When you leave the house, make sure expensive possessions aren’t visible to anybody who may look in.”
Residents are also advised to take caution while walking around the city centre. The local authority has warned residents, especially females, to avoid roaming the city on their own at any time. This came after an incident occurred in a local city park after a woman was attacked on her way home from Southampton Solent University at around 5pm, leaving the victim needing treatment at a local hospital.
Maureen Plummer, a parent of a student living in the area, has shown concern for her daughters safety: “I do worry a lot about my daughter, especially on nights out with her friends as I know a good way to save money is to walk home. She is always telling me about these incidents nearby and I can’t help but be concerned when I know she is going out. She’s a sensible girl but its other people I do not trust.”
Police officials are also warning parents about the risk to their children. This comes after an appalling case involving a young girl, who was held hostage in her own home, after a gang of armed burglars broke into the family home. The men left the house with a safe containing around 3000 pounds worth of cash and jewellery. The young girl has been left traumatised, with the family now looking to move out of the area.
Incidents such as these are happening on a day to day basis and police do not want to take any chances but they desperately need the help of local residents, reporting anything suspicious and making sure they are taking all precautions for their own safety.

Monday, 2 May 2011

And the winner is.. Sarah Burton.

It's definitely not a lie to say that there was no escaping the Royal Wedding on Friday, and quite rightly so. A huge date for the calender, one we should cherish the fact we were alive to see, but i still can't deny that the main reason I HAD to tune in, was simply to find out who designed 'the' dress.
After endless months of speculation, journalists taking a shot in the dark and pretending 'a source' told them, I just had to know. And of course, Sarah Burton for Alexanda McQueen delivered.
A simple yet incredibly detailed dress, with beautiful embroidery around the bottom and lace to cover her chest and shoulders, Kate oozed with elegance.

Now with every wedding, the bride is obviously meant to steal the show and be the center of attention. Unfortunately for Kate, she wasn't the only one being talked about.
Pippa Middleton, Kates younger sister, drew in a huge amount of attention as she appeared at the wedding as Kate's maid of honor. Stepping out of the car in a plain white gown, i think every man in the world found themselves gawping at the screen. In the most elegant way possible, Pippa didn't leave too much to the imagination. The dress, without being tight, showed off her tiny figure as it hung straight, softly outlining her curves, earning her a Facebook group "The Pippa Middleton Ass Appreciation Society" - maybe not quite what she was hoping for.

Guests included David and Victoria Beckham, Elton John, Mario Testino, Guy Ritchie, Rowan Atkinson and many more. And as for the Royal family, it was definitely a case of 'who's wearing who'.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

One too many?

I would be lying if I was to say that the recent actions of John Galliano had shocked me. We all know that he is very opinionated and hypocritical, if you throw in the fact that he likes a drink, it was always going to happen, granted, maybe not to such an extreme.

Sitting in a cafe in Paris, Dior's front-man, Galliano decided to attack the people on the next table, starting the dispute with: “Your voices are annoying me”. Who does he think he is? Just because he designs for Dior, it doesn’t give him the right to have his nose so far up in the air that he thinks he can control people with no relation to him. Fair enough, in his line of work, he’s probably forever telling people what to do and when to do it, but in a random café in another country, he’s just giving the French another reason to dislike us.
Carrying on the conversation, the designer stooped to an all-time low by stating that he loves Hitler and that Jewish families would be “gassed and fucking dead”. Now we all can get a bit rowdy when we’ve had a drink but did he really think this wouldn’t have the slightest impact on his career? Natalie Portman, a close friend of Galliano, who also works for Dior made a statement just after the video of his rant was leaked, saying: "In light of this video, and as an individual who is proud to be Jewish, I will not be associated with Mr Galliano in any way” and decided to wear a Rodarte dress to the Oscars, instead of the planned Dior gown that Galliano had designed for her.
Having Jewish friends and working for such a well-known company, he was stupid to think that these anti-Semitic comments would go unnoticed. Dior took no time in deciding to let Galliano go. It is a shame that this had to happen at the beginning of the Paris fashion week as his line was about to be revealed, but until the truth of what really happened that night is brought to light, I can completely understand Dior’s decisions and I’m sure a lot of people would have expected nothing less.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Pass the bucket..

Kitten heels? ✔
Leather skirt? ✔
Low-cut top? ✔
The perfect checklist for that 50 year old women attempting to relive her youth, in other words, mutton dressed as lamb.
Kitten heels, where to start with kitten heels? One moment while i vom. Quite possibly the worst thing known to fashion since the bonnet back in the 18th century. Now we all love Audrey Hepburn and her classic look, she truely is a fashion icon from her head to her... Ankle? Yes, Audrey is the culprit for what has become almost an insult to fashion. There is even a Facebook group dedicated to the hate for the kitten heel, luckily for me, i'm not the only saddo taking time out to vent my distress towards this eye sore.
Who knew that extra 3.5 centimetres could take away most of the dignity that you had. Even at the mere thought of buying a pair, you'd be better off taking a trip to the psychiatrist instead as im sure the only explanation could be a nasty bump to the head.
Pass the bucket, that feelings coming back. I can't help but want to puke on every leather skirt. I lost some respect for Topshop the day i walked in and was greeted by a leather skirt, giving me an evil stare. I felt as though i was a helpless 15 year old being picked on by the older kids in school. Now, i understand the fashion revival and how everything comes back into the limelight, but the leather skirt is definitely something that should have stayed in the 1980's, just like the Nolans.
Don't get me wrong, it is possible to work the leather skirt, aslong as its tasteful. Look at Lauren Conrad, she never gets it wrong.

Talking of keeping it tasteful, its common sense to know that letting it all hang out is the ultimate fashion mistake. I'm all for the mini skirt, but only if the neckline isnt plunging, and vice versa. We all know its either legs or boobs, never both, unless its the cheap hooker look you're aiming for.

The Oscars 2011

Okay so i'm guessing that most of us watched and admired The Oscars 2011? Since the ceremony, i can't help but flick through all the magazines to see exactly who wore what, and they definitely didn't let us down.
Natalie Portman, who is annoyingly beautiful anyway, proved that pregnancy can still be glamourous in a simple yet stunning purple dress by Rodarte.

Amy Adams worked her pale skin and light hair in a dark blue dress, covered from top to bottom in sequins by L'Wren Scott, padded out with £800,000 worth of jewellery. Without stepping into the boundaries of being tacky by keeping the colour simple, she oozed elegance.

Natalie Portman wasn't the only Black Swan star to make an impression on the red carpet. Mila Kunis defied her edgy character in a violet Elie Saab gown.

And lastly, so not to bore you too much, i couldn't write a piece on the Oscars without mentioning Anne Hathaway. Appearing on the red carpet in a gorgeous red Valentino gown, she made several outfit changes throughout the evening. Givenchy, Armani, Lanvin, Vivienne Westwood and Oscar de la Renta, to name a few, were worn by the 'Devil wears Prada' actress, who has become a kind of 'one to watch' at these events.

Images from:

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Column - Home away from home

You’ve got the little brown envelope in your hands, hundreds of people around you are screaming and crying and your emotions aren’t exactly settled. You tear open the envelope, quickly yanking the white piece of paper out. That’s it, all over. You can forget all those lame excuses you had lined up for Mum and Dad and all the CV’s you had printed out just incase, you’ve passed you’re A Levels, your going to university.
Now that the hard bit is over, its time to pack up all your stuff and head off to your new home, the student residences. You’ve heard the rumours; a non-stop party, the best time of your life, its going to be amazing. Isn’t it?
You’ve shed a couple of tears as you wave goodbye to your parents and you’re left to unpack. The place is echoing with silence and the nerves hit. What if all your flat mates don’t like you? What if there weird? What if they think you’re weird? I know just how you feel.
The most nerve-wracking thing I have ever done, moving into halls and missing most of the first day because my parents wanted to treat me to lunch, didn’t exactly help with getting to know people. Unpacking in my room, I heard everyone talking in the corridor, a perfect moment to go and introduce myself. All of my worries disappeared, they all seemed lovely. Let’s just say, it didn’t take long for the true colours to come shining through.
Now, don’t get me wrong, as expected I have found some true friends in my time here but sometimes, all we want is a little bit of piece and quiet especially when two hours have passed, your only 15 words into your 2000 word essay that’s due tomorrow and all you can hear is the bass vibrating through your wall from the ‘eccentric’ boy next door. It can get a bit too much, especially when it’s been ‘one of them day’s’.
Now I don’t want you to read this and think I’m a boring work-a-holic that despises anyone who bares a smile, it’s not like that. I’ve consumed a similar amount of alcohol, done as many stupid things and am just as behind on the work as anyone else but eight weeks of constant noise, mess and funny smells drifting through the flat, I wouldn’t be lying if I said it’s a little different from living at home.
Waking up at 4am to the noise of cello tape being ripped off the roll is something you cannot help but go to investigate. Opening the door I was greeted by an unusually dark corridor, especially as the lights don’t actually turn off, it was quite a surprise. Let’s just say two of my flat mates had found a very different use for black bin-bags and cello tape – to black out all the lights. And this is just the beginning.
Six days had gone by, we were all starting to settle into what student life was like and fresher’s week was taking as much out of us as it possibly could have been. The night was slowly coming to an end and all as drunk as you can imagine we took up pitch in the corridor, definitely one of those ‘it was a good idea at the time’ moments. One of my flat mates suddenly got up, dragged one of the boys with him and disappeared into his bedroom. Now, depending on the image you have in your mind of how my flat mate looks, this next bit could be quite disturbing. The bedroom door opened and out came a boy wearing just a thong with a little more than he had hoped on show; this was followed by the other boy falling out of the door in fits of laughter. “I can do better” shouted one of the girls, so off she went, taking the boy in the thong with her and again they disappeared into the bedroom. For your sake, I’m not going to go into detail of what came next but let’s just say it involved many fancy dress costumes, a very naked boy and a sock.
As the next week came and went, as a flat we had more fun than I think any of us had expected with everything from ceiling slates falling down, wine bottles being broken, wrestling with mattresses, hide and seek, ping pong with beer, getting knocked out multiple times by the ironing board where someone had placed it against the door and waited for you to open it and last but definitely not least, an announcement of erectile dysfunction. You can’t help but laugh and that’s not even half of it. My room alone has turned into the flat’s living room where everyone chooses to get in the bed and have a natter. It’s suffered from a broken wardrobe, multiple dents in the main door, the window being egged, a hole in the wall and countless amounts of times when I’ve had to share my bed because someone has fallen asleep in it. You’d think I was mad if I said you can’t fault it, wouldn’t you?
However, baring everything in mind, I’d have no doubt in saying that if somebody asked me to describe being here, I couldn’t possibly sum it up in one word.. It soon becomes clear why people say it’s the best time of your life and looking back now, all those nerves seem so pointless.

And finally, the cheesy bit. That little brown envelope really can change your life, well at least for me it did and although it’s true, that even made me cringe saying it.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Colour Blocking

I predict a riot

This spring sees an explosion of colour hit the catwalks and everyone is getting involved. Stella McCartney used colour blocking in its simplest form while Jil Sander took advantage of the lack of rules, mixing green, pink and yellow to create the ultimate colour block.

This mix and match style is inspired by the 1970’s, ‘80’s and ‘90’s where it was used in everyday wear, as well as sportswear. The late ‘70’s saw diversity in the range and style of clothing that was being worn by both sexes. Men were more confident to follow the trends and wear everything from sequins to velvet, meaning a dash of colour was nothing too daring. Being known as an era of disco, it is no surprise that colour played a huge part in the fashion. Bright coloured leg warmers and crop tops were often worn by the likes of Madonna and the Spice Girls in the ‘80’s and ‘90’s, fashionably two of the biggest inspirations to the youth of these time periods and the fashion timeline being as it is, it’s about time for a revival. This year it is back and brighter than ever and I cannot wait to start updating my wardrobe.

Jil Sander and Max Mara have inspired us to ditch the fears of clashing with their spring/summer 2011 runway collections as we yearn for this cold winter to be over. As we step away from those dull, neutral tones of autumn and winter, we welcome this season with open arms, and its set to form the pathway for a year of colour.

However, colour blocking did not start with fashion designers. Although being in the fashion world for many years now, it was Piet Mondrian, a famous painter born in 1872 in the Netherlands, that we have to thank for this craze. His childhood led him towards abstract painting, and from an early age he painted his view of nature. As his career developed, the images he had of nature became simplified on the page; so much so, it ended up not being of nature at all. He incorporated cubism and reduction into his paintings, which led to them appearing almost as blocks on the piece of paper. Abstracting nature was a thing of the past and it was at this point that he decided to add a touch of colour to his paintings. His artwork became sharper, colour became dominant and elements of repetition made his work recognisable. His artwork put forward the idea of colour blocking, which like most things, has been inspired by designers all over the world.

As the spring/summer catwalks have been revealed, there is no doubt that within weeks everyone will be head to toe in colour, last year’s sunglasses will make an appearance and the world will seem a better place again. However, despite looking effortless, this trend does come with a few basic rules. The first is to avoid the ‘Rubik Cube’ effect by using too many colours. Sticking to three or less colours is the perfect way to work the colour block this season, meaning those who aren’t so daring as to brave all three, can keep it simple and sophisticated with just the one. The next rule is to keep accessories to a minimum. Keep it simple and let the clothes do the talking, too much jewellery will overdo it. If you’re not so keen on multiple colour blocks, you could accessorise a neutral outfit with a bold bracelet or scarf. Lastly, no prints. Animal prints and colour blocks are not complementary of each other and will take you from colour block to colour flop in seconds.
Here are some colour block inspired photographs i took myself:

Profile - The Holiday

Expecting a six o’clock start, I walked up the steps overwhelmed by the silence around me. With just five minutes until what I thought was the start of the show, it was extremely quiet with just a few twenty something men walking around. I took up pitch on a step outside, hoping that people would soon turn up. A man confidently stuck his head out the door, still dressing himself in a shirt and tie, and told me that the sound check was about to start, which would make them sound ‘really bad’, suggesting I go to the bar for an hour.
The hour soon past after a couple of drinks at the bar and I made my way back upstairs, soon greeted by a crowd of girls all fighting to be near the front. Finally, the band came to the stage, five smartly dressed preppy looking guys, with jeans so tight I’m surprised they could even move.
“We’re The Holiday and we’re from Southampton” was the opening line from lead singer Jamie Smart, who then went on to introduce the band, with a charming “big cheer for the big guy” when it came to drummer Jonathan, followed by a short spurt of nervous conversation he promptly led into the first song with “Enough of that shit, lets play some music”. This gave me an instant impression that these guys are real and know how to have a good time and as the gig came to an end, it was time for the interview.
The band is made up of five men. Jamie, the slightly arrogant lead singer, Jonathan, the far from quiet, drummer, Daniel, the comedian guitarist, James H, the awkwardly quiet bass player and singer and James B, the extremely quiet guitar player.
They are an unsigned band who all appear to be working extremely hard to make there dreams come true. “Our aim is to get signed by Universal. A major label would be good because it would give us the means to quit our jobs and just do it” said Jonathan.
The interview was in full swing and it wasn’t long before Dan had referred to it as “like being on Loose Women”.
A band that admitted to starting in Wetherspoons, Table 28 to be precise, they are still on their way to reaching their full potential by breaking into the music industry with strong beliefs that there is a gap in the market for a band like them. Jonathan made it clear that the plan was to start on a smaller scale when he said: “First we’re going to take over Southampton; we want to build everything here at the moment, so everyone who knows us gets the first dibs on shows and music. It’s a unique thing until were ready to take over the world”. They have managed to keep themselves very private only doing small gigs around Southampton and nearby areas and putting a halt on any internet coverage. This makes them extremely hard to find. But it’s not to worry as it’s only for the time being. Being a small unsigned band gives them the freedom to write what they want at their pace without the demands of a huge fan base and label. “We like the idea of bands being hard to find. We don’t want to give too much away and it takes the pressure off us, there are no deadlines and no one’s expecting anything” admitted James Harding.
Matching the bands fresh outlook on the future, it’s quite simple to see where a name as uplifting as The Holiday came from. Dan revealed: “To be in a band you have to have more than just music, you have to have an image and know what the band is about. The Holiday links with our song lyrics, it helps bring the band together. It’s all about escaping”. This links in with bands general image. For tonight’s performance, they all came out wearing a shirt, tie and plimsolls with different jackets over the top and similar style trousers and jeans. This gives them the indie rock band look while still keeping some similarity throughout. “We’re bound together by a basic look. I walk past a lot of business people and think hey you could be in our band. We look like those guys that where there trainers to work” said Jonathan. Jamie confidently went on to admit: “We want free clothes. It’ll be better when we get endorsements”.
Along with their image comes their sound. Inspired by The Beatles, they have created their own style mixing pop, indie and rock music into one. On stage, they look like your typical The Who style band, jumping around and taking foot tapping to a whole new level. “The song writing process is really organic. Me and Dan will start an idea and everyone will add a sound. An idea will start, everyone will put something in, its like a melting pot of ideas. We like to think that were a fresh sound” admitted Jonathan.
Although they have a very positive attitude and seem to have all the cliché ‘right’ answers, it’s far from serious watching them together with typical banter flying in each direction. A few embarrassing confessions from the guys included being mistaken for a girl on a train earlier that day, being part of a boy band called ‘Anal Dave’, being part of one of the heaviest sets of twins in England, having Michael Buble as a ringtone, pissing themselves twice on a three day bender and lastly, a McFly obsession. It’s easy to see how strong the friendships are between them and how real it is, especially as Dan and Jonathan live together.
The most recent track to be written is one of the bands favourites so far, The Weekend so join their mailing list for updates on what’s happening, new songs, gigs and exclusive previews. They’re definitely one to watch.

Voxpop - Southampton

Shoppers in Southampton yesterday gave their views on what fashion means to them. A range of different opinions were presented and a varied knowledge of the fashion industry was noticeable.

Although the majority showed a lack of interest in the deeper side of fashion such as designers and magazine influences, the attention on the more general side, such as reading magazines, and celebrity endorsements proved to be more favourable.

Obvious knowledge of fashion became clear when designers such as Karen Millen and Ralph Lauren were mentioned as being favourites. Although the influences over fashion from magazines seemed to be insignificant, many participants mentioned that they do read magazines with Hello and Ok being the most popular.

Molly, an 18 year old sales assistant at Topshop admitted: “I read loads of magazines, everything like Heat, Elle, Vogue and whatever is out really but my style is more high-street so I wouldn’t be able to say a favourite designer or fashion icon, I tend to just shop in Topshop”. Whereas the older generations that were asked the same question, acknowledged a love for the style of Princess Diana, Victoria Beckham and Sienna Miller, all very influential and admired style icons.

When asked about style icons, Tom Veitch, a 19 year old student said: “I don’t really have a specific one but David Beckham is pretty cool”. He continued to admit “I spend between £100-£200 a month on clothes, which I guess will change now I have a budget but Ralph Lauren and Ted Baker are my favourite designers and there clothes aren’t exactly cheap”.

Laurie Reid, a 43 year old fireman also said: “David Beckham is probably my favourite”, when asked about style icons. This shows that no matter what age, everybody can be influenced by celebrities.

A good representation of how important fashion is in somebody’s life can be perceived by the amount of money they spend on clothes. On a monthly basis, the budgets seemed to vary, however the effects of the recession were not mentioned as reasons behind a lack of spending. Chadene Lewis, a 35 year old cleaner and mum of two said: “I only tend to spend around £30 on myself; I work full time so there isn’t much need for me to splash out on nice clothes, besides I prefer to treat the kids”. This shows the difference in attitudes between the generations, especially as Sylvia Field, a retired 72 year old from Somerset said: “I like to think that fashion still plays a big role in my life because I’ve always followed what’s going on and what is new. I would always keep an eye on what Lady Diana was wearing because she was very classy and I liked that. I read magazines like OK, Hello and Closer but I don’t really spend any money on clothes anymore, not a lot anyway”. This shows that being involved in fashion doesn’t always mean a full wardrobe.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Grace Kelly Exhibition, V&A.

As I turned into the exhibition, I was welcomed by a beautiful pink dress, fitting the true expectation of Princess Grace. The condition was immaculate, giving you a real feel of just how glamorous Grace Kelly actually was.
As you walk through the displays, the transformation from Hollywood Grace to Princess Grace becomes more than obvious as the clothes drift from very simple, stylish outfits to the glitz and glam you would expect from a Princess.
The presentation of the dresses however, could have been better. Although you are presented with a lot of information on where and when the clothes were worn, the positioning of the information made the whole thing a bit confusing and the hoards of people you were fighting through didn’t make the experience any easier. ‘700-1200’ was the answer I received when asking the, very busy and slightly rude, receptionist how many visitors the exhibition has roughly per day. Let’s just say, I wasn’t quite prepared for how many people there were actually going to be.
I’m confident in saying that you have to actually see the outfits, to appreciate the true detail and beauty of them, as the photographs do not do any justice. It is clear to see where Grace got the title ‘style icon’ as the colour and style of many of the clothes she was wearing in the 1950’s, especially the amount of brown and gold and the many dresses made from chiffon, are very much in fashion now, putting her, very significantly into the rotating world of the fashion industry.
All in all, the exhibition opened my eyes to the true beauty and class of Grace Kelly, a very surreal experience and made my love for fashion excel when I laid eyes on the world famous Hermes Kelly Bag.