What better way to get into the Christmas spirit than to cover yourself head to toe in glitter (don’t worry, I don’t mean literally)? Sparkly clothes, shoes, makeup and hair accessories are the perfect way to dress for the occasion and to add to this, I thought a nice gold, green or red glitter nail varnish would be the perfect finish, that, was until I saw the price tag of the fabulous OPI range. Now, I’m not a snob or anything but when it comes to glitter, you can’t buy cheap without it looking cheap, so after seeing one of my friends with the OPI gold glitter nail varnish I had to have it.
Walking through Asda, at which point I was still not the proud owner of some glitter nail varnish, I spotted some tubes of glitter for just a pound and in the perfect colours, gold, green and red (and pink for when you’re not feeling as festive). I’m hardly the most creative person but I was soon reminded that I had these exact same colours in normal nail varnish so why not add the glitter myself? I can honestly say it’s the best idea I have ever had and is the greatest way to get a chunky glitter effect without spending a fortune. Just look at the results: