You would have had to have been living in a box for the last few months not to have realised that the ‘geeks’ have taken over our streets with everything from bow ties to backpacks. If like me you have been admiring the trend from afar, now is the perfect time to crack out those glasses from your fancy dress collection and get those heads turning in your direction. First stop is Topshop with their fantastic range of clothes and accessories, guaranteed to take you back your school days, without the embarrassing haircut. A nice checked shirt, seen below, teamed with braces, easily found at a bargain price on ebay, adds a bit of colour to any outfit and is sure to keep you from looking like a 12 year old girl on the playground. The backpack and brogue shoes are a must for those confident enough to go all out, although I do recommend not wearing the shoes in the rain for obvious reasons.

As we all know, there is no geek chic without the perfect pair of thick frames, a great accessory to add character and shape to even the dullest of faces. For these, we turn to who have every shape and style to ease you into your new look.
The last accessory that many of you will have noticed is trending with the 'geeks' is the dickie bow, worn to smarten up a plain shirt or to add that extra something to an evening outfit, the dickie bow should never go a miss. The best place to look, along with the braces, is Ebay as they have a huge variety of colours, sizes and materials to keep your look interesting, up to date and unique. Just because we're taking fashion tips from others, doesn't mean the outfit has to be exactly the same, after all, we all hate a copycat!