Friday, 17 February 2012

The Perfect Stalker

Imagine a world without Facebook. Imagine signing onto your computer and simply browsing the internet or actually doing some work without having your Facebook page open in another tab. It’s strange to think that no more than ten years ago the dramas of Facebook were nowhere to be seen, and what a life that must have been.
For me, Facebook became popular at just the wrong time – my teens! Every day as I got home from school I’d be straight on Facebook checking what people were doing, chatting to my friends and having a good old nose through everyone’s photos. This is where it all went downhill.
You’d think that after about six years of having a Facebook account I’d be bored and would have deleted it - but no, it’s that one little thing I can’t quite bring myself to do. I mean, how else am I supposed to see all of the photos from our once-weekly Girl's Night and check who's been talking to my boyfriend?
Facebook has turned us all into the perfect stalkers and no one seems to care. I’ve seen too many photos of girls in their underwear or arguments published on each other’s walls for everyone to see. It’s amazing what people think they can get away with while hidden behind a computer screen. It’s the perfect place for those wannabe bullies who aren’t quite brave enough to say things to your face.
Relationships also aren’t safe under the pressures of Facebook and are continuously ending over something that has been posted. Everyone will gasp and gossip over the recent change in that poor person’s relationship status, commenting on it and sticking their nose in. In real life you wouldn’t run around town telling everyone your relationship has ended, so why post it on Facebook?
I personally would like to go back to the time when Facebook wasn’t around. A time when you could go out and get drunk without your parents seeing the photos of you passed out in a toilet that your ‘best friend’ uploaded the morning after. A time when that person you didn’t like became invisible rather than a new obsession with looking at their page to see what they’re doing every 15 minutes. A time when you could go wherever you wanted without someone 'checking you in' for the world to know. 
When did it become normal to invite everyone to see every detail of your life? I want my privacy back.

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