Saturday, 14 April 2012

David Bailey Returns To The East End

Anyone familiar with David Bailey will more than likely be aware that this famous photographer grew up in none other than the East End, Newham to be more precise and what better way for him to pay homage to his hometown than to host an exhibition dedicated to life in the East End?
The exhibition will focus on then and now, with photographs dating back to the mid 1960’s when Bailey still lived there. In an interview with Vogue, he said: “The concentration is on the Sixties, Eighties and now.”
As well as focussing on street scenes, the exhibition also includes portraits of residents throughout the years, one of which is featured above and all of the photographs are those that Bailey has captured throughout his career.

Three sets of images will make up the exhibition, the first puts together images from the 1960’s, the second focusses on the 1980’s and the third were taken in the last five years.
The exhibition is organised by East End arts charity Create where director Hadrian Garrard said: "The fact Bailey is from the East End was really important for us. We always try to work with artists who have links to the area and he's a local hero.”

The exhibition will open at the Royal Docks, Newham on July 14th - August 11th 2012.

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